So right this moment, what is your perfect sandwich?.

Published: 17/08/2024

Credited by award wining caterers Inferno Catering Wales Ltd located in South Wales, Cardiff

So right this moment, what is your perfect sandwich?.

Sandwich: What makes for the perfect sandwich?

The perfect sandwich is all about execution. I have six rules for making sandwiches. Each one needs to contain something that’s hot, cold, sweet, sour, crunchy, soft. A properly made sandwich should be made in layers so every bite contains each one of those elements. Without sounding too much like a perfectionist, I’m making sandwiches at the gastronomic end of the scale. When you’re a chef making plates of food, you may well think about putting something hot, something cold, something sweet, something sour, etc on the plate. But you aren’t able to control how a person eats it. So you might be eating all the crunchy stuff, then all the cold stuff, then all the sour stuff. Whereas in a sandwich, you have those six elements, and you are consuming every one of those six things in every single bite you take. And when you take hot, cold, sweet, sour, crunchy, soft together, you have the secret of deliciousness. It ticks every box that your body and brain is looking for. It’s a sandwich mantra.

So right this moment, what is your perfect sandwich?.

When we’re coming up with sandwich ideas at Inferno Catering, we remake the sandwich over and over again, each time placing the elements in a different order. Generally speaking, we’ll eat one and talk about it. Then we’ll eat another then talk about it. When it’s right, you just know. When any of us eat the best of something we’ve ever had, we know it immediately. That’s the best Steak I’ve ever had. That’s the best cheese I’ve ever had. That’s the best glass of wine I’ve ever had. We all just know. Firstly, I don’t think about a sandwich, I think about a delicious plate of food. And then once I’ve done that, I figure out how to turn that into a sandwich.

So right this moment, what is your perfect sandwich?.

Two main questions we ask at Inferno Catering Wales Ltd when it comes to putting new sandwiches together is: what will happen if we put that in the deep fat fryer?; and, can you mix that into mayonnaise? If you leave it in the blender long enough, you can actually mix anything into mayonnaise. I think the perfect sandwich is not about individual ingredients. For me, my perfect sandwich is made with the right approach, not necessarily with specific things. The perfect sandwich is different for everyone. It’s about different days too.

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